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When it comes to determining ways and causes of losing weight, we find
ourselves learning either from our peer’s experience or advice from the

But if you dig deeper into the idea of losing weight, you find yourself
seeing various contradicting opinions regarding the ways how weights
are loss.

Truth is told the results of each weight losing methods vary mainly from
our daily meal intake and our body metabolism.

So let’s jump into the top 10 myths about losing weight that people
believe it to work and what doesn’t.

1. MYTH: Skipping meals helps you to reduce weight
FACT: If a person is not gaining the appropriate amount of protein,
carbohydrate and fat, the person will have severe changes to their metabolic
rate in their body.

Who skips their meals?

To this day people still believe or even consider skipping meals would help
them lose weight.

Moreover working adults are also prone to skipping meals due to their tight
working life.

But for those who have taken the steps to skip meals believe that it would help
increases their metabolic rates.

Generally people who tend to skip meals especially their breakfast or lunch
would take a bigger meal intake for their dinner instead and they are
disregarding the consequences to their health.

Feeling Hungry? Just go ahead and eat a healthy breakfast to kick-start your day
The mindset of skipping meals

A person who desires to lose weight is a long term struggle not only physically
but mentally as well.

Generally people around us are now focusing on a healthy lifestyle, while the
process to physically lose weight requires immense effort and time, but the
mental ability to push people to takes the steps is the only aspect that drives
them to take measures to lose weight.

When it come to people who opted to skip meals are people who are not into
understanding the basic needs of nutrition and they are more than willing to
go through the risk of skipping meals.

Moreover they are in a state of not having the confidence of losing weight
through physical effort and instead taking the easier way by not having proper
daily meal intake.

Is skipping meals scientifically proven to work?

Based on the medicals research studies from the US National Library of
Medicine National Institute of Health, the impacts of reducing meal frequency
without caloric restriction on glucose regulation in health will risk changing
their metabolic rate. If skipping meals is practiced in a long term basis it could
lead to diabetes.

With all the negative implications from practicing skipping meals, apparently

there were studies showing that skipping meals daily would improve a person’s


Studies indicated that overweight adults with mild asthma ate average meals
daily for 2 months lost an average of 8 percent of their body weight and
asthma conditions have gotten better.

Still complicating whether to eat or not to eat?

Generally skipping meals have varied results based on who are practicing it, be
it from an average working adult or an obese person with asthma related

Additionally, skipping meals will deprive your body of essential nutrients,
minerals and vitamins.

Moreover it will also results in lean muscle loss and causes your boy into
starvation state which in turn will slow down your metabolism, and once you
stop skipping meals, your body would effectively gain weight twice as fast than
the usual person.

But when it comes to people who skip meals during the day and having a
higher meal intake during the evening would cause harmful effects to the
metabolic changes in the body.

Just eat in moderation rather than skipping meals.

2. MYTH: Eating Fatty Food Makes You Fat
FACT: Consuming fatty foods does not make you fat but there consuming it
in moderation is suffice to maintain a healthy diet.

Fatty Foods...Yay or Nay?

It would seem sensible to believe that consuming fattening foods makes us fat,
but is it really the truth?

Honestly because fat enters into our body does not meant it would be
absorbed into our body, however long persisting myth does not make much

According to nutritionist experts, consuming fatty foods does not actually
make you fat. Consuming fatty foods in moderation is essential part of any
healthy and balanced diet. Gaining on more weight in the form of fat is a result
of energy imbalance development.

A person will gain more weight if he/she consumes more calories than he/she
burns. Fat is a concentrated source of calories, but it is not essential to remove
fat from your diet entirely.

You can still eat your favourite junk/fast foods as long as it is not part of your daily meal

Which is healthy fatty foods and which is not?

Whole-food fats such as nuts, seeds, and avocado are satiating which helps you
feel fuller for a longer period of time. Even though consuming fatty foods will
make you fat, but carbohydrates and proteins will make you fat to a certain
extent too.

Moreover fatty foods such as coconut oil and fish oil provides variability in
weight gain, but weight will increase when consume too much.

Fat-laden products such as fast foods and snacks contain calories but a modest
amount of consumption may help you feel full and consuming it with healthy
foods, such as vegetables would even taste better.

Additionally fats also helps with the absorption of certain vitamins and
phytonutrients, which are compounds that are commonly found in plants that
can help to improve our health.

The more you know. Something that we all could consider when deciding to eat healthy or
not healthy.

Moderation in consuming fatty foods

Overall fatty foods will not cause you to be fat unless you consume too much
of it. Products which are fat free usually contain fats and higher sugar levels
are something you need to keep an eye out too.

Choose monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, found in liquid oils such as
canola, safflower, and olive; most nuts; and fish. Most of these fatty foods do

not increase blood cholesterol levels and instead reduces the risk
cardiovascular diseases.

Generally the fats that you need to avoid are saturated fats which can be
found mainly in beef and dairy products.

Fried fast foods and margarine are fatty products that you should keep away as
well as they will severely increase the risk of heart disease.

I guess eating when it comes to eating our favourite food we just have to keep an eye out.

3. MYTH: Eating Carbohydrates Makes You Fat
FACT: Carbohydrates do not make you fat. Generally any meals you consume
excessively that your body needs will result to gaining fat. Low-carbohydrates
diets such as protein and fat as well as healthy vegetables are very efficient in
helping with losing weight.

Refined carbohydrates such as processed sugars from syrup and processed
grains would lead to high blood sugar and insulin levels due to fact they have
empty calories in it. So for those rice eaters out there, rejoice!

So how do I still end up fat?

Since consuming fatty foods does not technically make you fat, we would think
that carbohydrates are root cause of it right?

Bottom line is you would get fat if you do not have a conscious calorie
restriction. Well if you have kept a low intake of carbohydrates and high
protein intake you may just end up losing weight as you have so desired it.

According to dietary experts, for carbohydrates to make a person fat, a poor

diet plan mix in with the lack of exercise is what it takes it to change a person’s

weight. All that said, a person will only gain weight if he/she consume more
calories than they could burn.

Eat them at your own activity level and your sensitivity with the types of food. In simplest
term don’t simply eat at will…

What carbohydrates should I eat?

Now you must be asking yourself so how many carbohydrates should I eat

Well carbohydrates sources can always be reserved for fruits and vegetables
only. You could still opt for consuming other carbohydrate sources but you
might be missing out on other nutritional benefits.

But the key point is do not practice it in a long term basis and you will be doing
fine. If you are gym elitist or a daily gym player, high carbohydrate intakes are
the recommended source.

People who regularly exercise, their body will be under the state of cyclical
depletion and repletion of muscle glycogen stores.

Due to that, starch carbohydrates are their main source of obtaining high-
powered glucose molecules as they conduct hard training primarily weight
lifting and muscle building.

The Good and the Bad Carbohydrates

There are various types of carbohydrates that could be beneficial but generally
speaking, the benefits are varied depending on your diet intake plan. For
instance people that exercise frequently will benefit from incorporating various
types of carbohydrates into their diet plan.

So what are the types of carbohydrates that you should limit your

Corn syrup and refined sugar is one of the types of carbohydrate that you need
severely limit yourself from consuming it as it could lead to insulin resistance,
diabetes and obesity.

Gluten-based starches such as wheat, rye and barley are carbohydrate based
that could cause bloating, water retention, stubborn fat and lethargy, which
you need to severely limit your consumption too.

Due to the fact that gluten is a protein that can cause food sensitivity, it could
cause bloating, water retention, stubborn fat and lethargy.

Moreover your common typical cereal grains that contain “anti-nutrient”
phytic acid could cause similar problems as well.

Still wishing both of them is in good terms?

4. MYTH: Drinking diet soda will help you lose weight
FACT: Diet Soda will severely affect your body and yes it does not help you
out with losing weight but instead cause more harm than good. Instead of
losing weight you gain more weight due to the side effects of insulin secretion.

Moreover, you may find yourself diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and various
chronic diseases.

Benefits (Drawbacks) of Drinking Diet Soda

You may already know that in general drinking diet soda is as bad as drinking a
regular soda, but there are still people out there that believe that drinking diet
soda would help them shed some weight.

Mainly young adults and working adults still believe the idea of drinking diet
soda will still benefit them but the only real benefit that a person can gain from
drinking diet soda is it helps cutting down a person’s daily calorie intake.

So what does diet soda have to offer then? Let’s look into some of the benefits

(drawbacks) of diet soda that the soda drink industry wants us to believe. Diet
soda contains artificial sweetening substances that are used in place of
sweeteners with sugar.

Compared to sugar they only provide sweetness to foods and drinks without
adding extra calories where the idea of losing weight by drinking diet soda is

Due to the fact diet soda have zero calories, people would think that it would
be alright to consume food at ease while allowing them to lose weight.
Unfortunately, artificial sweetening substances would lead to sparking an
insulin secretion.

What happens is that the fat storage in the body may not be able to cope up
with the insulin secretion side effects resulting people to gain more weight

Drinking Diet Soda = Severe Chronic Diseases

What could be worse than drinking diet soda is that regular drinkers will end
up increasing their blood sugar levels which would lead to Type 2 Diabetes. It
gets even better, heart diseases, strokes and various chronic diseases will
come into play as well.

Moreover carbonated drinks when taken regularly in excess can lead to severe
gastrointestinal problems like ulcers, gastroenteritis, indigestion and corrosion
of the lining of the stomach.

Not even your oral health is spared from drinking excessive diet soda. Regular
drinkers will find themselves  losing their teeth due to the corrosion on the layer
of their teeth.

There will be serious health hazards heading towards your health.

How to Ditch Yourself from Diet Soda?

Artificial sweeteners in diet soda could you to crave for more calories due to
the fact your body system did not receive zero satisfaction on a cellular level.
This could potentially lead to overeating and gaining weight, plus addiction to
artificial sweeteners.

The least a person could do to remove him/herself from the addiction to
eliminate the sweet cravings. It could be fixed by consuming caffeine, tea or
even energy drinks that contains essential nutrients and vitamins.

Quitting soda isn’t easy but it is necessary!

5. MYTH: Supplements can help you lose weight
FACT: Weight loss supplements do help with cutting down weight but they
are not the best options and there are side effects with supplement intakes. It
is best to lose weight by taking in daily exercises as well as proper daily diet

The mechanics of weight loss supplements

There are all sorts and variants of supplements in the market that it is not easy
to determine which is a weight loss supplement compared to the others.
Generally all weight loss supplements are sorted into pills, drugs and natural

Moreover these supplements have been claimed to help people lose weight or
at the very least helping people to lose weight easier through combining
different methods such as diet plan and exercise.

So how do these supplements work to reduce weight?

They either reduces your appetite which by producing the feeling of being full
so that you can consume lower calorie intake, reducing your nutrients mainly
your fat so that you could feel the need to consume lower calorie intake or the
supplement consumption helps to increase fat burning.

There is no right or wrong with taking supplements, but one could wonder if our life would
be way better with consuming a proper diet meal. Image from

Types of well-known weight loss supplements

Yes they do to a certain extent and the results vary from a person to a different
person. Hydroxycut is one the mainstay weight loss product that has been
around for a decade and it is one of the most popular weight loss supplements
in the world.

It contains ingredients that are claimed to help with losing weight, including
caffeine and a few plant extracts.

Anyone that is sensitive to caffeine should generally avoid consuming this
supplement. Your daily common product such as coffee, green teas well as
most processed foods and beverages that contain caffeine could also work to
reduce weight.

As caffeine is a metabolism booster it increases the percentage of fat burning
in your body but it is best to avoid consuming any of the particular products
before you sleep, not to mention caffeine is an addictive agent.

Good quality coffee and green tea are the best options to consume caffeine as
they contain antioxidants and other health benefits that is good for your body.

Another known product is Alli, an Orlistat pharmaceutical drug that helps with
weight loss by breaking down fats in your body, resulting you to take fewer
calories in your fat.

Additionally Orlistat helps to reduce blood pressure slightly while reducing the
risk of diagnosed to type 2 Diabetes. Just like any other weight loss
supplements there are side effects that you can expect mainly digestive
problems and deficiency in vitamins.

Moreover, another widely known supplement is the Conjugated Linoleic Acid
(CLA) which contains chemicals that are found in a fatty acid called linoleic
acid. They can be naturally found in fatty animal foods such as cheese and

Basically CLA works to reduce appetite and increase metabolism while
stimulating the breakdown of body fat. Not to forget, the side effects of CLA
are that it causes various digestive side effects and could be potentially be
harmful in the long term.

Generally most of the weight loss supplements are viable but the side effects
on your body are its biggest drawback. Not to mention there is no weight loss
supplement would work 100% to curb weight loss, the most you could benefit
from it is just losing a couple pounds. The least you could do is putting in more
effort in your daily exercises and plan out your daily diet intake appropriately.

Nuff said!

6. MYTH: Drinking water leads to losing weight
FACT: As simple as it sounds. Water does not cause you to lose weight but
instead it keeps you hydrated and helps curb your appetite. Nonetheless water
is essential for our body and pretty much to quench our thirst.

Losing weight with drinking water or just keeping you

Who would have thought that a simple and essential as a drinking water could
hold myths and misconceptions about the possible benefits to our health?

Nonetheless the idea of drinking water could help you lose weight, does it
sound possible?

In a certain way, drinking water does help with aiding you with your weight
loss effort instead of directly helping you lose weight. Well imagine the
wonders of just simply drinking water could help you lose weight.

Instead of taking in calorie-laden beverages into your diet plan, opt for drinking
water and it will help you to reduce your overall number of calories.

Benefits of Drinking Water

The significant aspect of drinking water generally is that it makes you feel fuller
which affects your desire to eat more.

According to researchers, there is a lot of energy in drinking water relates to
heating up that water inside your body system. As water touches far below the
body’s temperature, the effort to heat it is needed to expand the energy and
covert in metabolism.

Basically drinking water helps your body to expend energy, which is a
significant part of the equation when you want to drop some weight.

If you’re keen on making a diet plan with the inclusion of drinking water,
always keep a bottle of water with you, especially putting it on sight as it may
encourage you to take sips throughout the day.

Keeping your body hydrated will keep you away from various health problems
which could affect your metabolism by a parched throat.

7. MYTH: Eating at night leads to gaining weight
FACT: It’s how much you eat that affects your weight gain not the factors of
when you eat. It is still okay to eat at night especially dinner time as it could
curb your desire for late night snack which generally is not a good practice to
eat late at night.

Night meals are a No-Go?

We always wonder and believe that eating late at night could lead to gaining

Due to the fact that our body burns fewer calories later in the night, it would
sound reasonable to take in fewer calories compared to morning or afternoon.

So do we have to say goodbye to late night eating?

Fortunately this is not entirely true to the point you have to avoid dinner,
according to researchers, when you have your meal does not affect your
weight gain at all contrary to popular belief.

What the message is trying to convey is that eating in moderation throughout
the day will not even give you extra weight.

The everlasting myth gaining weight through eating at night

So why do people still believe the idea of eating at night leads to gaining
weight? Well there is only 2 ways that could lead a person to gain weight.

You either did not eat in moderation or you did not spend time on physical
activity throughout the day.

Moreover people who ate more at night would be probably be less prone to
hunger during the next day for breakfast which could help with calorie intake
control. Behaviour and emotions do play a role in determining a person calorie
intake throughout the day as well.

You could put it that there are people out there who would skip breakfast at
times and take in a big meal at night while putting in effort to physical
exercises and they would not gain weight.

Still pondering whether to eat a hefty meal at night? Image from

It’s all about lifestyle control and meal intake that

determines your weight

What you could do if you intend to eat at night is that you need to be fully
aware of your lifestyle preferences and behaviour. When it comes to
consuming a meal full carbohydrates or determining the amount of calorie
intake, just take in to the appropriate amount and not pushing it over the

Now that eating at night does not entirely affect your weight gain, just satisfy your craving
if you need to.

8. MYTH: Being Vegetarian helps you to lose weight
FACT: Yes having a vegetarian diet plan would work, but there is so much
effort you need to maintain it just to cut down some weight. Plus you need to
put in physical activities and put in proper nutrients into their diet plan for it to
work if not you might still ended up gaining weight even if you are practicing a
vegetarian diet plan.

Is being a vegetarian a viable plan to lose weight?

Generally people who practice to being a vegetarian may tell you it works to
cut off weight.

In truth it works and not to mention it makes you healthy too, but the thing is
if you are not keen on being a vegetarian to shed some weight there are still
other diet plans that could work things out.

A vegetarian diet is not easy as it seems where eating plants would not simply
guarantee you to lose weight.

While at it they still they need nutrients that any people would need such as
vitamins B12 and D, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, iron and calcium.

There is more than meets the eye when it comes to becoming a vegetarian.
Vegetarians will still gain weight!

Yes it is possible to gain weight as a vegetarian if they turn to high calorie foods
such as bread, cereal, pasta and any carbohydrate-heavy foods to satisfy their

If they are not consuming protein along with carbohydrate, that is pretty much
a one way ticket to gaining weight, So to avoid that, vegetarians would likely
opt for soy products such as tofu, tempeh, seitan and many more to gain
protein for their vegetarian diet plan.

The path to becoming a vegetarian

Taking the vegetarian path to losing weight is not a fast solution to shedding

Furthermore the lifestyle of not consuming any meals that derived from

animals is very difficult to maintain. Let’s not forget physical exercise plays a

significant role along with a vegetarian diet to lose weight.

So for those who are considering taking a vegetarian diet to shed some weight,
think twice before you act.

Being a vegetarian is not shortcut to losing weight.
9. MYTH: Drinking milk leads to losing weight
FACT: Calcium in milk will help the body to break down fat more
efficiently which leads to weight loss. Low-fat milk, Full-fat milk and
skim milk will help out with weight loss depending on the amount of
consumption as well as your daily meal intake.

The dilemma of drinking milk

Another common losing weight myth is that drinking milk can help you lose
weight but there is a contradictory point of view from people stating that
oppose to losing weight you would gain weight instead.

You could put it that Low-fat and fat-free milk are dairy product could help
with losing weight due to the fact that they contain various nutrients such as
vitamin D, protein and calcium with the lack of excessive saturated fat or

How about full-fat milk?

There are implications that drinking full-fat milk would contribute to losing
weight. You might be wondering but how? If you have read through the myth

regarding eating fatty foods will make you fat, you would understand by now
that consuming fatty foods does not contribute to gaining weight but it was
excessive consumption of carbohydrates that is the root cause of it plus with
no physical activities involved.

Consuming full-fat milk will helps increases satiety, which is the feeling of
drinking full-fat milk which will lead people to avoid eating more for the rest of
the day.

This leads to less calorie consumption from sugars and carbohydrates.
Compared to drinking non-fat milk which contain ingredients such as sugar
and carbohydrates, they would do more harm than good to your health.

Skim milk is an alternative to help you lose weight as it contains fewer calories
and more nutrients compared to drinking diet soda and energy drinks.

Matter of fact, skim milk contains calcium which is slightly higher than full-fat

In general if you are looking to cut down some weight, low-fat milk is the go to
option but if you could arrange your meal intake appropriately, any milk
product would work into your favour towards losing weight.

10. MYTH: Could sleeping lead to losing weight
FACT: Unfortunately sleeping does not help you lose weight but in contrary,
if you are lacking on sleep you may find yourself gaining weight instead with
varied results depending on your body metabolism and meal intake.

Sleep deprivation leads to weight gain

According to researchers lack of sleep could be related to higher levels of the
hormone Ghrelin. Basically a higher Ghrelin levels will reduce energy
expenditure, stimulates your appetite which would lead to higher food intake
than usual and leading to retention of fat.

Take for instance you are constantly busy with your working life, you ended up
staying up late at night while you still need to wake up early to get to work.

You find yourself taking in coffee just to stay up awake during work and you
may even skip your physical activities due to exhaustion. Due to that you got
yourself into sleep deprivation which affects your waistline as well as your

Moreover lack of sleep could severely affect your metabolism to function

Sleep deprivation can lead you to a bigger craving for foods.

Factors that lead to weight gain

So how does lack of sleep affect our ability to lose weight? There are 2
hormones that play a role in this which is Ghrelin and Leptin. Ghrelin is the
hormone that drives your appetite whereas Leptin is the one that determine if
you are feeling satisfied with your meal intake.

When you are deprived of sleep, you will find yourself having more ghrelin
instead of leptin which would lead to higher appetite and that means you eat
more resulting to gaining weight.

Not to mention your body metabolism is slower due to the fact you are lacking
on sleep.

Sometimes we just have to force ourself to be fully functioning during work even when we
are exhausted due to lack of sleep. Image from

The best approach to combat sleep deprivation

There are various reasons that people would fall into the category of sleep

The least you could to avoid having any severe changes to your hormones and

your body metabolism is to take this few measures into your unusual “lack of
sleep” life.

Try to avoid any caffeine especially in the afternoon so that you can rest at
ease after work. Most important aspect is to keep an eye out on what you are

eating before you sleep. Generally a heavy meal is not recommended
especially when you metabolism is running slow. A light meal would suffice
and you can finally jump into bed to get some proper sleep.

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